пятница, 8 декабря 2023 г.

No reply.

Hello, my perverted friend,

We've actually known each other for a while, at least I know you.
You can call me Big Brother or the All-Seeing Eye.
I'm a hacker who a few months ago gained access to your device, including your browser history and webcam.
I recorded some videos of you jerking off to highly controversial "adult" videos.
I doubt you'd want your family, coworkers, and your entire a.gladkov2003.best@blogger.com contact list to see footage of you pleasuring yourself,
especially considering how kinky your favorite "genre".
I will also publish these videos on porn sites, they will go viral and it will be physically impossible to remove them from the Internet.

How did I do this?
Because of your disregard for internet security, I easily managed to install a Trojan on your hard disk.
Thanks to this, I was able to access all the data on your device and control it remotely.
By infecting one device, I was able to gain access to all the other devices.

My spyware is embedded in the drivers and updates its signature every few hours, so no antivirus or firewall can ever detect it.
Now I want to offer a deal: a small amount of money in exchange for your former worry free life.

Transfer $990 USD to my bitcoin wallet:19gjxoZ2x8xzNC18FYtLxCL3FWRi15cP39

As soon as I receive confirmation of the payment,
I will delete all the videos that compromise you, remove the virus from all your devices and you will never hear from me again.
It's a very small price for not destroying your reputation in the eyes of others, who think that you are a decent man, according to your messengers.
You can think of me as some sort of life coach who wants you to start appreciating what you have.

You have 48 hours. I will receive a notification as soon as you open this email, and from this moment, the countdown will begin.
If you've never dealt with cryptocurrency before, it's very easy. Simply type "cryptocurrency exchange" into a search engine, and then all set.

Here's what you shouldn't do:
- Don't reply to my email. It was sent from a temporary email account.
- Don't call the police.
Remember, I have access to all your devices, and as soon as I notice such activity, it will automatically lead to the publishing of all the videos.
- Don't try to reinstall your system or reset your device. First of all, I already have the videos,
and secondly, as I said, I have remote access to all your devices, and once I notice such an attempt, you know what happens.

Remember, crypto addresses are anonymous, so you won't be able to track down my wallet.

So long story short, let's resolve this situation with a benefit for me and you.
I always keep my word unless someone tries to trick me.

Lastly, a little advice for the future. Start taking your online security more seriously.
Change your passwords regularly and set up multi-factor authentication on all your accounts.

Best wishes.

пятница, 1 декабря 2023 г.

Нейросети для бизнеса 2024 — тренды, инструменты, внедрение

Нейросети для бизнеса 2024 — тренды, инструменты, внедрение
Бизнес и нейросети  - 2024: управление, продукт и продажи
Приглашаем вас, как директора и руководителя компании принять участие в главном бизнес-событии декабря — Всероссийской конференции «Бизнес и нейросети — управление, продукт и продажи» (7 декабря, Москва, гостиница Ленинградская).
На конференции вы получите:
Карту главных решений на рынке искусственного интеллекта России, которую вы сможете интегрировать в свой бизнес
Разбор с экспертами факторов успеха и ошибок при внедрении в ИИ в главные бизнес-процессы компаний: от аудита до этики общения с ИИ
Пошаговый план внедрения нейросети в бизнес-процессы вашей компании: продажи, маркетинг, создание продукта и HR
Обзор последних изменений в применении нейросети и искусственного интеллекта в бизнесе и частной жизни
Среди спикеров:
Вячеслав Береснев, Исполнительный директор, Союз команд разработчиков в ИИ для достижения технологического лидерства РФ в мире; Исполнительный директор Z-Union.ru;
Игорь Рубцов, Директор департамента бизнес-решений, ALFA system (среди клиентов РОСАТОМ, Татнефть, Алмаз-Антей, Медси и др).
и многие другие!
Вадим Ширяев, Соучредитель, Партнер, Эксперт, Член всемирного совета директоров Trout&Partners;
Наталья Нагорнова, Директор по маркетингу и PR, Ход матрешкой;
Екатерина Грибова, Начальник управления по подбору персонала, НЛМК;
Ведущий пленарной сессии: Дмитрий Пучков (Goblin), блогер, писатель; Член Общественного совета при Министерстве культуры Российской Федерации;

Вооружитесь новыми ИИ-инструментами для эффективности процессов и трансформации бизнес-модели в 2024 году!

Вы получили это письмо, поскольку отметили в анкете подписчика, что хотите получать рекламные материалы и информацию от избранных партнеров Subscribe.Ru по одной из следующих тем:

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Это сообщение сформировано и выслано с помощью Sendsay.Ru

вторник, 28 ноября 2023 г.

Ваше приглашение на встречу директоров 7 декабря

Ваше приглашение на встречу директоров 7 декабря
Ваше персональное приглашение на VIII совет экспертов
Уважаемый коллега!
Вы приглашены на VIII Совет Экспертов — встречу собственников бизнеса и ТОП-менеджеров российских компаний с ведущими экономистами, политологами и аналитиками.

7 декабря в Москве (Гостиница «Hilton Ленинградская») вы сможете подвести итоги уходящего года вместе с экспертами и лидерами бизнеса, получить эксклюзивную информацию и ответы на самые острые вопросы текущей повестки, а также выстроить обдуманную стратегию развития на ближайшие годы.
В программе для вас:
Эксклюзивная аналитика и прогнозы развития ситуации в России и мире;
Персональные рекомендации по управлению бизнесом в 2024 году;
Авторский семинар Андрея Безрукова Мировая шахматная доска: «Выигрышные партии» российского бизнеса — 2024;
Фуршет, живая музыка и личное общение с экспертами и профессионалами бизнеса.
15 самых востребованных экспертов страны:
Михаил Делягин — Депутат Государственной Думы РФ;
Валентин Катасонов – Доктор экономических наук;
Андрей Безруков – Советник президента, Роснефть;
Александр Артамонов – Международный обозреватель Первого канала;
Дмитрий Пучков (Goblin) – Блогер, писатель, публицист;
и многие другие
Получите авторитетные прогнозы и рекомендации для принятия взвешенных решений в 2024 году!

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Это сообщение сформировано и выслано с помощью Sendsay.Ru

пятница, 24 ноября 2023 г.

Thank you for helping out.

Hello good friend,

Good day and how are you today? I hope all is well with you and your family? I am using this opportunity to inform you that the multi million-dollar business that we both are working on before has been finally concluded with the assistance of another partner from Iceland who financed the transaction to a logical conclusion. The fund wasn't transferred into your account due to one reason or the other. And for my kind gesture I have left a certify bank draft for you worth $3,750.000 USD ( three Million Seven Hundred Fifty Thousand United States Dollars Only) To show my appreciation for your pass assistance.

However, I will be happier to hear that you have received your Bank Draft; It will be a great honor to me because you deserve it. And due to my new business establishment with my new partner in Iceland I will be very busy for a very long time. Kindly contact Mr. Grenville With the below information to enable him negotiate with the courier company for the delivery of your Bank Draft to you,

Contact person: Mr. Grenville Email: fredgrenville@aliyun.com

Therefore you should send him your Name and telephone number/your correct mailing address where you want him to send the Bank Draft. This information is what will enable him to deliver the Bank Draft to you. as I have left instructions on your behalf. You will bear the cost of the shipment.

Thanks for your past effort and God bless you and your family.

Mrs. Precious Mpho

суббота, 11 ноября 2023 г.

Payment associated to your account.

Hi there!

Unfortunately, I need to start our conversation with bad news for you.
Around few months back I managed to get full access to all devices of yours,
which are used by you on a daily basis to browse internet.
Afterwards, I could initiate monitoring and tracking of all your activities on the internet.

I am proud to share the sequence of how it happened:
In the past I bought from hackers the access to various email accounts (today, that is rather a simple thing to do online).
Clearly, it was not hard at all for me to log in to your email account (a.gladkov2003.best@blogger.com).

A week after that, I had already managed to effortlessly install Trojan virus to Operating Systems of all devices that are currently in your use,
and as result gained access to your email.
To be honest, that was not really difficult at all (because you were eagerly opening the links from your inbox emails).
I know, I am a genius. ~-~

With help of that software, I can gain access to all controllers in your devices (such as video camera, keyboard and microphone).
As result, I downloaded to my remote cloud servers all your personal data, photos and other information including web browsing history.
Likewise, I have complete access to all your social networks, messengers, chat history, emails, as well as contacts list.
My intelligent virus unceasingly refreshes its signatures (due to its driver-based nature), and hereby stays unnoticed by your antivirus software.

Herbey, I believe that now you finally start realizing how I could easily remain unnoticed all this while until this very letter...
While collecting information related to you, I had also unveiled that you are a true fan of porn sites.
You truly enjoy browsing through adult sites and watching horny vids, while playing your dirty solo games.
Bingo! I also recorded several filthy scenes with you in the main focus and montaged some dirty videos,
which demonstrate your passionate masturbation and cum sessions.

In case you still don't believe me, all I need is just one-two mouse clicks to make all your unmasking videos become available to your friends,
colleagues, and even relatives.
Well, if you still doubt me, I can easily make recorded videos of your orgasms become a public.
I truly believe that you surely would avoid that from happening, taking in consideration the type of the XXX videos you love watching,
(you are clearly aware of what I mean) it will result in a huge disaster for you.

Well, there is still a way to settle this tricky situation in a peaceful manner:
You will need to transfer $950 USD to my account (refer to Bitcoin equivalent based on the exchange rate at the moment transfer),
so once funds transfer is complete, I will straight away proceed with deleting all that dirty content from servers once and for all.

Afterwards, you can consider that we never met before. You have my honest word,
that all the harmful software will also be deactivated and deleted from all your devices currently in use. Worry not, I keep my promises.
That is truly a win-win solution that comes at a relatively reduced cost,
mostly knowing how much effort I spent on monitoring your profile and traffic for a considerably long time.
In event that you have no idea about means of buying and transferring bitcoins -
don't hesitate to use any search engine for your assistance (e.g., Google, Yahoo, Bing, etc.).

My bitcoin wallet is as follows: 17uRSEYKb-co6kMrEc5a-VCsCPAs-FTVRPtsd
An important notice: I have specified my Bitcoin wallet with "-" symbols,
hence once you carry out a transfer, please make sure that you key-in my bitcoin address without "-" to be sure that your funds successfully reach my wallet.
I have allocated 48 hours for you to do that, and the timer started right after you opened this very email (2 days to be exact).

Don't even think of doing anything of the following:
! Abstain from attempting to reply me (this email was created by me inside your inbox page and the return address was generated accordingly).
! Abstain from attempting to get in touch with police or any other security services. Moreover, don't even think of sharing this to you friends.
Once I discover this (apparently, that is absolutely easy for me, taking in consideration that I have complete control over all systems you use) -
kinky video will straight away be made public.
! Don't even think of attempting to find me - that is completely useless. Don't forget that all cryptocurrency transactions remain completely anonymous.
! Don't attempt reinstalling the OS on all your devices or getting rid of them. That won't lead you to success either,
because I have already saved all videos at my remote servers as a backup.

Things you should not be concerned about:
! That your funds transfer won't reach my wallet.
- Worry not, I can see everything, hence after you finish the transfer, I will get a notification right away
(trojan virus of mine uses a remote-control feature, which functions similarly to TeamViewer).
! That I will still distribute your videos although you make the funds transfer.
- My word, I have no intention or interest in continuing making your life troublesome.
Anyway, If I truly wanted that, it would happen long time ago without me notifying you!

Everything can be settled in a peaceful and just way!
And lastly... make sure you don't get caught afterwards in such type of incidents anymore!
My fair advice - ensure you change all your passwords on a regular basis.

понедельник, 6 ноября 2023 г.

Ваш билет на выставку Петерфуд — 14-16 ноября

Ваш билет на выставку Петерфуд — 14-16 ноября
Peterfood международная выставка продуктов и напитков
Всего через 7 дней в Петербурге — международная выставка продуктов и деликатесов Петерфуд!
Такое нельзя пропустить! 14-16 ноября в Экспофоруме вас ждут:
Новые вкусы — 7000 продуктов и деликатесов со всего мира
Новые контакты — более 300 производителей из 15 стран
Новые знания — 50+ открытых семинаров по маркетингу и продажам
Бар-шоу — 60 эксклюзивных коктейлей от 20 культовых баров Петербурга
Возрастное ограничение: 18+

Посещение бесплатное! Ознакомьтесь с программой и скачайте билет на выставку на сайте:
Скачать билет

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Архив рассылки Поддержка подписчиков

Это сообщение сформировано и выслано с помощью Sendsay.Ru

суббота, 4 ноября 2023 г.

You have an outstanding payment. Debt settlement required.


Unfortunately, I have some unpleasant news for you.
Roughly several months ago I have managed to get a complete access to all devices that you use to browse internet.
Afterwards, I have proceeded with monitoring all internet activities of yours.

You can check out the sequence of events summarize below:
Previously I have bought from hackers a special access to various email accounts (currently, it is rather a straightforward thing that can be done online).
Clearly, I could effortlessly log in to your email account as well (a.gladkov2003.best@blogger.com).

One week after that, I proceeded with installing a Trojan virus in Operating Systems of all your devices, which are used by you to login to your email.
Actually, that was rather a simple thing to do (because you have opened a few links from your inbox emails previously).
Genius is in simplicity. ( ~_~)

Thanks to that software I can get access to all controllers inside your devices (such as your video camera, microphone, keyboard etc.).
I could easily download all your data, photos, web browsing history and other information to my servers.
I can access all your social networks accounts, messengers, emails, including chat history as well as contacts list.
This virus of mine unceasingly keeps refreshing its signatures (since it is controlled by a driver), and as result stays unnoticed by antivirus software.

Hereby, I believe by this time it is already clear for you why I was never detected until I sent this letter...

While compiling all the information related to you, I have also found out that you are a true fan and frequent visitor of adult websites.
You truly enjoy browsing through porn websites, while watching arousing videos and experiencing an unimaginable satisfaction.
To be honest, I could not resist but to record some of your kinky solo sessions and compiled them in several videos, which demonstrate you masturbating and cumming in the end.

If you still don't trust me, all it takes me is several mouse clicks to distribute all those videos with your colleagues, friends and even relatives.
In addition, I can upload them online for entire public to access.
I truly believe, you absolutely don't want such things to occur, bearing in mind the kinky stuff exposed in those videos that you usually watch, (you definitely understand what I am trying to say) it will result in a complete disaster for you.

We can still resolve it in the following manner:
You perform a transfer of $1390 USD to me (a bitcoin equivalent based on the exchange rate during the funds transfer), so after I receive the transfer, I will straight away remove all those lecherous videos without hesitation.
Then we can pretend like it has never happened before. In addition, I assure that all the harmful software will be deactivated and removed from all devices of yours. Don't worry, I am a man of my word.

It is really a good deal with a considerably low the price, bearing in mind that I was monitoring your profile as well as traffic over an extended period.
If you still unaware about the purchase and transfer process of bitcoins - all you can do is find the necessary information online.

My bitcoin wallet is as follows: 19U1xBf2UZeLfPkVh1Gu3WGHheYCzjsVxs

You are left with 48 hours and the countdown starts right after you open this email (2 days to be specific).

Don't forget to keep in mind and abstain from doing the following:
> Do not attempt to reply my email (this email was generated in your inbox together with the return address).
> Do not attempt to call police as well as other security services. Moreover, don't even think of sharing it with your friends. If I get to know about it (based on my skills, that would be very easy, since that I have all your systems under my control and constant monitoring) - your dirty video will become public without delay.
> Don't attempt searching for me - it is completely useless. Cryptocurrency transactions always remain anonymous.
> Don't attempt reinstalling the OS of your devices or even getting rid of them. It is meaningless too, because all your private videos are already been available on remote servers.

Things you should be concerned about:
> That I will not receive the funds transfer you make.
Relax, I will be able to track it immediately, after you complete the funds transfer, because I unceasingly monitor all activities that you do (trojan virus of mine can control remotely all processes, same as TeamViewer).
> That I will still distribute your videos after you have sent the money to me.
Believe me, it is pointless for me to proceed with troubling you after that. Besides that, if that really was my intention, it would happen long time ago!

It all will be settled on fair conditions and terms!

One last advice from me... Moving forward make sure you don't get involved in such type of incidents again!
My suggestion - make sure you change all your passwords as often as possible.

среда, 1 ноября 2023 г.

Reminder! Don't miss your important payment!


This email concerns your information security and account safety (a.gladkov2003.best@blogger.com)!
At this moment I have full access to (a.gladkov2003.best@blogger.com), as well as your electronic devices that you use on a regular basis.

Let me explain how it all happened:
I work as a data analyst of databases in systems servicing (domain.com).
Half a year ago we integrated Artificial Intelligence (neural network) to ensure a more comfortable segregation of clients into specific groups
(based on preferences, website traffic statistics, password statistics, etc.).
As a result, the segregation of clients into clusters was done easily. You fell under the category of clients who enjoy masturbating to hardcore porn.
(to be honest, AI pays a lot of attention to this particular group, since it accords with targets of many marketing agencies).

I gave it a thought and decided to use it for my benefit.
Since I am servicing blogger.com, I have full access to your account.
With the help of our cookie files, I managed to install special software to the devices with your authorization.
That software can control the camera and microphone, as well as manage and process any type of data.
This software includes special signatures, which appear as official software whenever detected by antivirus.

I created software with the help of a neural network that can detect every attempt of yours to start masturbating to hardcore porn.
Every time you masturbated, the camera and microphone were activated and were recording masturbation video of you
(besides that, the porn video which you masturbate to, was displayed in the corner.) and sending it to my server.

Basically, modern technologies have progressed to an extent whereby I can use the power of thought and distribute this video to all people who know and love you.
There is nothing to worry about. I faced a similar issue before too.
Previously, my handphone got a virus, which allowed to record me masturbating to a porn video with shemales. =)))

I had to pay a big amount to those hackers to avoid that video going public.
Otherwise, I would have to find a valid explanation for my friends. They would not support that hobby of mine for sure...
Well, now I am the one doing similar hacking.

That's why I would like to make a business proposal to you:
You shall pay me $1350 USD. Afterward, I will delete from all my servers the videos with you masturbating, and we pretend like it never happened before.
Otherwise, I will share this video with your entire contact list, which I saved previously.

Beware, I can share this file via email as a hyperlink, attach it as a video file, upload it to social media,
or even distribute it to mass media (I have access to a few hacked Utube accounts).

To avoid that, you need to send $1350 USD in Bitcoin equivalent to my BTC wallet: 1GmtfRMFdctbJmhNZMgNNEeB7x1L8oKido

It is a very simple task to do, and you can easily find any online cryptocurrency exchange to perform the transaction.
I will delete your video right after I receive the money. Furthermore, I will delete the spyware from your device, and you will never hear about me in the future.
Let's agree on the deadlines: 2 days (precisely 48 hours) is more than enough.
Right after you open this email, I will receive the notification and the countdown will start.

Last, but not least:
Don't even try to report me to the police. They won't be able to find me because I use TOR, and Bitcoin transactions cannot be traced.
There is no point in addressing domain.com either because I deleted all the records of database entries and neural network requests
š(those requests were made from the accounts of other staff that I managed to get access to).
Don't worry, I won't continue blackmailing you. There is no point in that because there are many other unfortunate people like you.
Besides that, if I wanted, I would do that a long time ago without telling you!

If you make any wrong moves, I will share your videos without hesitation.
Remember, you are not the only one who's unfortunate. Others will learn from your mistakes!
Best of luck!

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